Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Let it go

Disney and Pixar Sings Let It Go

I just finished Great Expectations for my "Studies in Fiction" class and it really made me think about stuff in my life that I place in a pedestal, only to be disappointed and fall back into reality. The book is basically broken up into sections where Charles Dickens labels each breaking point of Pip's expectations for his life. High class society isn't really all that great. At least, Dickens shows that the levels of society aren't equal and do not hold similar standards. 

The expectations I held for college included passionate organizations and genuine friendships and attentive students in classrooms. I guess you could say that college has broken my heart. But it has also shown me how hard I need to work to make it through the rest of my life. 

I've recently struggled with hypocritical friends. They say they want to be there but then don't seek you out to hangout or talk about you behind your back and say they're just trying to "understand you and only talking about what they're trying to figure out." Cut the crap, please. But now I know I need to let it go. Not my stance; my emotions that get in the way of my success. Yes, my friends and acquaintances hurt me, but I need to still be me. I shouldn't be brought down by them. 

“Letting go doesn't mean that you don't care about someone anymore. It's just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.”
― Deborah ReberChicken Soup for the Teenage Soul: 101 Stories of Life, Love and Learning

College Thumbs.

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