I can't imagine how couples did it back in the old days without Skype. I'm getting better at being away from him, but it's always really really nice to be able to talk to him and see his face just like that. Here's a picture I took of us talking last night. He felt weird with his shirt off therefore I blurred his nipple, lol. But I just love looking at him.
I think he's the only guy in the world for me. He can even deal with me when I'm emotional, and that says a lot. I know my friends must be tired of my rants and emotional outbursts, but this guy can deal with whatever I throw at him.

Even if it's paint. Thanks to the dream photography Facebook page: www.facebook.com/mydreamsphotography
We had a paint fight with the art club at my school and even though we had plans of going out for our anniversary, he still went to the paint fight with me even though it meant getting covered in paint and looking absurd for our planned dinner.
Last night on Skype though, was great since we're on school break and he's around 3 hours away right now. But even without skype, he never fails to text me that he's thinking of me.
Which reminds me of a poem I heard a few days ago:
I'm Thinking About You by Mike Taylor
I attended a post-Valentine's event at an English Theme house in my college and heard this poem and I thought it was great.
Anyways, this is my spiel about Skype...kind of. Thumbs up to Skype!
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