Rest time; so essential to the college students' everyday lives. We are overworked with what we're not used to, with the amount of time we're not use to dedicating to one thing for so long a time.
1 pm break til 5 pm
Class size: 1 (myself--i like to enjoy my free time alone...i have friends but i also have homework and naps to take care of) [of course, I'd gladly give up my free time to help a friend in need]
I make sure to eat three meals a day as well. Breakfast and dinner with friends and lunch with boyfriend. And I usually eat lunch after health and fitness (noon) and then go to rest and work on class work.
This is my layout during my break time (different for everybody):
- find an empty room in 3rd floor library or empty room in Classics building (if in library, use the comfy cushions)
- put on earphones and go on Pandora on my laptop*
*right now I'm listening to the "Cayucas" station on Pandora; I heard about this band from an upperclassmen that I respect. I've been listening to them for a month now; I have not changed the station since I've put it to this band:
- check out email, g mail, Facebook, and my college website for any class information
- take a 20 min nap:
- work on homework
- start on English because I want to focus on my English major and later when I take music classes I'll also focus more on those (Music & English MAJOR!!! That's me)
- work on projects
- I should probably focus on my Health & Fitness STD project soon
- prepare for club meetings
- I'm historian for our Kaleidoscope (diversity) club this year
Recommended song for the day:
Rest Rating: Thumbs UP
WARNING!!!! Do not ever wake a person up from a nap unless it's a life or death situation!!!
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